Ease Into Fall!

Last Updated 9/1/2021Posted in Community, Meditation, Yoga, Ayurveda

September - A time of Harvest

As a child who often thought the world moved a bit slow, I would hear; “enjoy it while your young, time moves fast when you are older.”  Now, as each season, year, milestone, etc. begins or ends, time does appear to be moving faster.   It is not the illusion of time moving faster that is aggravating to me, it is the rush that I applied with it.   With  September’s arrival this year I have noticed a shift within, there is more flowing into the new season then ever before.  Each time the thought of rushing or hurrying popped in, gratitude for being in the moment followed right behind, I didn’t  care why as much, I am just grateful, grateful to flow.  


Then it popped in, some say its insight, aha moment or a moment of clarity, I went with the latter.   Although time seems to be moving faster, I was not trying to keep up with, it was not possible nor was I capable. Gratitude began to sprout up for the physical limitations that have forced me to slow down, knowing when enough is enough.  I noticed I am enjoying life a bit more, savoring moments instead of wishing for them to change, and the savoring moments keep happening, just as they always have, I am just recognizing them.   No matter how stretched, twisted, slapped, etc. we have been by moments, can you find joyful, peaceful, harmonizing moments in between?

What Are You Harvesting?

September is a time of harvesting, not only what we have planted in our gardens or the farms but also within our mind and emotions.   Take a moment and see what emotion is alive in you right now and if it is something that aggravates your sense of peace, take a moment to give it some attention and allow it to transform.   The harvest is a time where we sow what we have planted to carry us through the winter that will nourish our body, mind and soul. 


For clarity of what you are harvesting take a few minutes and connect with your heart center……


Breathe into your lotus heart center, just observe the body breathing, following the rhythm allowing it to lead.   As the mind wanders, just gently bring the focus back to your heart center.  As you remain present with your breath, imagine a field full of crops to be harvested, what/how do you feel when envision the harvest?  As you notice the feelings rising up representing your harvest, are they nourishing or sustaining or are they depleting, empty?   If they do not feel nourishing, take a moment to replant your field, plant the seeds of hope, potential, love, acceptance, whatever nourishes your inter most being.  When the seeds have been planted, envision them growing tall, abundant and plentiful, so much so you can envision sharing with those close to you and to those you do not know.    Allow yourself to return here whenever you feel called to, always taking a moment to tend to your field.   


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