30 Day Spring Challenge a Success! - Sharon BaileyA little over 5 years ago, I decided that the first hour of my day was going to belong to only me. This hour has shifted in activities o...
Spring Into Action!Intuitive Yoga, HIT, meditation
Intimate Conversations w/Teja Valentin The true self begins when we are young children with healthy relationships with our parents but sometimes there are false starts w...
Bhakti Muse-ical Immersion!Hello BEauties!A sweet reminder that our Bhakti Retreat weekend is Friday April 22nd (earth day) through Sunday April 24th with Day retr...
The Study of Yoga Philosophy - Janet WatkinsYoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Philosophy,
Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training Testimonials!Ayurveda, YTT Training, Philosophy
Ayurvedically SpeakingAyurveda, Summer, Pitta, Living Authentically healing
Ayurvedically Speaking.......Spring, Ayurveda, creating balance
Ayurvedically Speaking.......Spring, Ayurveda, creating balance
Creating Spacecreating space, healing